Friday, 4 April 2014

It's taxing. Which means... cat pictures.

Every quarter of the year, I have to file some tax stuff... and guess what? It's time for that. Which is... taxing.

Well, it's not that bad, but it will require some coffee, and possibly some chocolate. While I deal with this and with the backlog of emails and writing and stuff so I can finally get caught up (in my wildest dreams, this happens today), why don't you have a few photos?

... a closeup of the fillet in the Manesse-Style:

... and since you all seem to like those buttons as much as I do:

 ... and finally some gratuitous cat pictures. Because I know what the Internet wants (and I confess that I had a need for them as well). 

That was the piccie part.

If you want more to read instead of cat and button pics, there's a list of 550 archaeological blogs over at Archaeologik - in different languages, many of them English.

Also, this Saturday is International Tabletop Day - see the tabletop day webpage if you want to find a game shop or gaming place in your area.


Christine said...

Das zweite Katzenbild ist absolut süß!
Ich bewundere (und beneide) deine Knöpfe und Knopflöcher. Ich möchte die auch mal so gut machen können wie du. Hast du eine Tipp für mich, was für einen Faden man zum Knopflöcher nähen am besten verwendet?

a stitch in time said...

Danke, Christine! Ich nehme meistens einen farblich passenden Woll- oder Seidenfaden für die Knopflöcher, selten einen Leinenfaden. In diesem Fall war's Wolle. Wenn der Faden sehr dünn ist, näht man ewig an einem Knopfloch, ist er sehr dick, trägt es stark auf und sieht, finde ich, nicht mehr gut aus, am besten mit einem Stück einfach ausprobieren...