Thursday 13 May 2010

Day(s) off...

Today is a holiday here (which I totally forgot to mention yesterday), and though I am blogging today, it is only to take this day off - and the next few days as well: The most patient man of them all has taken tomorrow off, making it what we call a "Brückentag" (literally: bridge day) to extend a holiday on Thursday into a four-day weekend*. Since I'll be working on Saturday at the "Long Night of Museums" in Dinkelsbühl, I'm taking today and tomorrow as my weekend.

And in addition to tomorrow, there will also be no blogging as usual during the next week, since I am off to make the thread analysis for the spinning experiment. I don't know yet how long this analysis will take, so expect me back when you read me, and meanwhile, have a wonderful time!

* I am totally amazed that this seems to be unknown in the US, according to Wikipedia. Whoa, no Brückentage? Oh horror!


Teffania said...

In Australia we have the concept, but not the single word. But apart from Melbourne Cup day, and christmas, all out holidays have been moved to fridays or mondays so we have nice convenient long weekends. Although it's not uncommon to for people to take extra days off before or after a long weekend (eg "easter tuesday").

Arachne said...

In Sweden Brückentage is known as "klämdag"; literally "squeeze day" or "squeezed-in day". Kind of cute way of putting it. In some professions you might get an additional half day off _before_ a big holiday. So I ended up with a 4½ day long weekend this time and got a lot of sewing done...