Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Work as usual

I'm making progress on several of my front lines, though not as fast as I would like to - for example, there is still a lot of stuff in my car from the weekend, waiting to get carried back inside and put away (maybe washed before, or sorted out) until next time.

Meanwhile, the product line ideas are coming in (and suggestions are still welcome, if you know of something textile-related that you'd like to see in a stall), the summary is getting translated, I have about caught up on missed sleep and am generally quite happy, if a little whelmed by things still left to do and think out. And that also means I'll keep you updated here, but will probably not present a very sciency or time-consuming blog post during this and next week - even if that bugs me, because I have a beautiful idea lying around half-prepared in the draft section. (Now that I've hinted at it, you can look forward to that like I do, and I'm not alone in waiting!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know what that's like! I look forward to seeing your post on your "beautiful idea"!