Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Eventful times.

Things I did today: Take a walk. Restore some friends' website from a hacker attack (thankfully, that was quite easy). Scratch the mosquito bite of doom on my left calf. Cuddle the cat. Write emails. And...

... be totally excited about being on a radio show on Friday, together with Gillian. We'll be interviewed about our book "The Middle Ages Unlocked", and the really cool thing? It's a radio station that is also sending via the internet. It's the afternoon show in Talk Radio Europe, and we'll be on air this Friday, 10 July, somewhere between 14:15 and 15:00.

Tune in if you'd like to hear us talk about the book - there might be a fun fact or two for you to hear about...


Kucki68 said...

Glückwunsch zum Radioauftritt! Aloe Vera (ein Blatt aufschlitzen und das feuchte benutzen) hilft gegen das Jucken.

Anonymous said...

Gegen Insektenstiche hilft Breitwegerich. http://www.frag-mutti.de/spitz-oder-breitwegerich-gegen-insektenstiche-a2280/
Ich kau das Blatt immer und schmier den Blatt-Spucke-Matsch dann auf den Stich.

Anonymous said...

What's that in Greenwich time?

Will it be downloadable if we can't hear it live?