Wednesday, 21 August 2013


The last few events have drained my stock of wares quite a bit, so on the list for today's work is: Make new portions of gold thread, iron gall ink, and other stuff that has almost run out. I will also need to re-stock my spindle whorls rather soon. And I'm thinking about adding something else to the shop - but I won't tell you yet.

That's not all, though; the desk would like to get cleaned up again, the cat wants to be cuddled regularly, and there's a stack of books to sort and a list of things to finalise for the Forum. Now... where is one's Secret Evil Twin to pitch in with some additional work power when one needs it?


Miriam said...

I forgot to say before - the person who emailed you when your spindles were showing as out of stock was buying them as a present for me.

I absolutely LOVE them and have written a review of them here:

a stitch in time said...

Panth, thank you very much for your review! I am very happy that you love the spindle sticks, and that the whorl works well for you, too. The spindles take on a certain "used look" or patina over time, and personally I like them best when they show some traces of what they have seen and spun, including a bit of a colour stain if one spins coloured fibre...

Miriam said...

I am now trying to convert my reenactment group into using your spindles...

(Also, some of the credit must go to Cathelina di Alessandri, who specifically recommends your spindles and whorls for use in experiments with medieval style spinning: )