Friday, 24 February 2012


I have managed to finally get some more of the nasty small things done - tweaking a few of the texts at the shop, getting bookkeeping stuff up to date, thinking about new products, settling a few date issues - and now the next things looming up on the horizon (or not so far off, to be fair) are both the conference in Vienna (where I'm still waiting for the final verdict on how much time I will have), a paper to finish for some other conference proceedings - relating textile production to daily life in the Middle Ages - and the IRM.

The IRM is a goods and service fair in a museum not too far from Trier, taking place March 31 and April 1 (and it's not an April Fool's joke). It's a fairly new project, this fair, and I am not sure what to expect. Since this is the very first fair I'm going to as an exhibitor, I am also not yet sure what to bring and how to do the presentation. Something nice and new would be splendid to bring there... but I'm not completely sure what. Maybe an embroidery package? There should be time enough for me to prepare a few, including instructions and background info. (Your input on this, as always, will be very welcome!)

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