Monday, 23 September 2013

Germany has done it.

Germany has done it again - elections are over, and "the black party" (CDU/CSU) are firmly in the saddle. Not the party I'd have wanted most at the steering wheel - but at least the FDP (sort of the blacks in disguise, and with more capitalism on their flag) and AfD (that weird new party who thinks stuff would get better, and cheaper again, with YET ANOTHER CHANGE OF CURRENCY - hello? You know how the state made money in the Middle Ages? Right. With changes of old currency against new. Because things never get cheaper when you get new money) are out of the equation. Whew.

So now we will sit and wait to see who is going to be in coalition with the black party... green? red? or the other red? (And why do we have two red parties - the SPD and the Leftists?)

Sorry for  going all politicky - I'm not such a politics person usually, but very occasionally I do feel the need for some of it. Tomorrow: back to the important stuff again. Well. The other important stuff. Because even if I don't talk about it much... I think that democracy and being able to elect your country's leaders is something very, very important. The system has its flaws, but we could be worse off - and I'll try to do my little part in keeping it a democracy.

(Very belated blog post due to posting issues - I was convinced that it had worked, but obviously it did not...)

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